10 Reasons Why I Have No Intention Of Cutting Carbohydrates Out Of My Diet
1. Restrictions and strict rules don't work for me. I wanted to build a healthier relationship with the food (I've struggled with it for...
Whole Eggs Or Egg Whites?
I eat both. I like yolks for all the nutrition and the taste. But sometimes, I don't need more fat, and want only the protein, so I have...
It Is What It Is.
So I happen to have a hypothyroidism. My digestion is whack. My skin is dry. Every once in a while I get this huge energy drop, that...
I Love Carbs
I used to be anti-carbs.... in theory... because in practice, I wasn't able to keep my carbohydrate intake low for longer than a couple...
Doing My Best
My appetite has been raging for the last few days. And no matter how busy or occupied I try to get, I always find a way to eat. Lack of...